See the original problem on HackerRank.
You will be given an array of integers and a target value. Determine the number of pairs of array elements that have a difference equal to a target value.
For example, given an array of \( [1, 2, 3, 4] \) and a target value of \( 1 \), we have three values meeting the condition:
\( 2-1=1, 3-2=1, 4-3=1 \)
Input Format
The first line contains two space-separated integers and , the size of and the target value.
The second line contains space-separated integers of the array arr.
- \( 2 \le n \le 10^5 \)
- \( 0 \lt k \lt 10^9 \)
- \( 0 \lt arr[i] \lt 2^{31}-1 \)
- each integer \( arr[i] \) will be unique
Output Format
An integer representing the number of pairs of integers whose difference is k
Sample Input
Sample output
There are 3 pairs of integers in the set with a difference of 2: [5,3], [4,2] and [3,1] .
A quadratic solution is correct, but it’s too slow and causes some test cases to fail:
To find a better solution, we can turn the problem space of searching pairs into the space of searching one element for each iteration.
We need to find i - j = k
, for each i
and j
. This means, for each i
we just need to find if i - k
is in the array.
The problem turns into a searching problem where looking up any element needs to be fast. We can use an efficient data struture for this purpose like tree-based sets (such as C++’s std::set
or Java’s TreeSet
), hash-based sets, etc, or we can simply sort the original array and use binary search.
It’s worth noting that we can make a quadratic solution that passes all the test cases:
This is still quadratic but we are lucky enough with the problem test cases just because of sorting data beforehand! If we add an extra test case containing all the numbers from 2
to 100'000
and set k=100'001
, we will have a timeout! Basically, we will end up visiting 100'000
elements 100'000
Simple binary search
We sort the input array and then we apply the idea above:
Using some standard algorithms:
Optimized binary search
Looking at the previous solution, we notice that for each i
, the binary search runs from the beginning of the array. If we change the number we search, we can start the binary search from the current position, cutting down the search space.
Instead of looking for i - k = j
, we reverse the equation and look for j + k = i
. Since the array is sorted, j+k
is always increasing. This means it’s not possible to find i
among the elements we have already looked into during the previous iterations.
Here is a working solution:
An even more fine-tuned version has been proposed by Davide Malvezzi: the search range can be made smaller by setting the end at most k
steps far from the beginning (the smaller k
than n
, the more convenient), and the beginning is either i + 1
or one element after the result of the last successful search.
For example, suppose we have:
And we look for pairs whose difference is k=6
. When we start, the search spans from 1
to 1+k
And we find 7
Then, we search for 3 + k
, but it does not make any sense to start from 4
because the element can’t be found before the result of the previous hit (since the elements are sorted). Instead, we can start from 8
(that is one element next the result of the last hit) straight away:
And we find 9
Here is the full solution:
Note that we early exit when prev_start == prev(end(arr))
: if we reach the end of the array, no other element can contribute to the count (since they are all unique).
Although the complexity is still \( O(N \cdot log N) \), this solution is a perfect example of exploiting problem constraints (formally, the complexity is \( O(N \cdot log K) \) but in the worst case \( K > N \)).
An interesting related exercise consists in figuring out which test cases are more or less demanding for the solutions discussed above (e.g. in terms of runtime).
Using other data structures
Previously showed solutions are based on sort that is \( O(N \cdot logN) \) + iterating each element and performing binary search that still costs \( O(N \cdot logN) \). We can still apply linear sorting strategy (e.g. counting sort, radix sort), however the cost of performing the second part of the algorithm is still the same.
As said before, alternative solutions involve using other data structures such as maps, sets and dictionaries because we want to optimize looking up i - k = j
(or j + k = i
). Hash-based associative containers might decrease the overall complexity of the solution down to \( O(N) \), on average.
Here is an elegant solution in Erlang by Giancarlo Valente:
The same in Python by kernelfolla:
Same patterns in C++:
Using arrays intersection
We can use a support array to store each expected sum (a[i] + k
). To get how many pairs match the requirement, we can count the number of elements are contained in the intersection of such an array with the input.
Here is a solution in PHP by Roberto Peruzzo:
Here is the same idea in C++:
A more fluent version with C++ ranges (actually, using all the features available in range-v3):
Here, sorting the input elements hides the dominant cost, whereas set intersection is a linear operation.