DevFest Venezia 2023


Campus Scientifico Università Ca' Foscari - Via Torino, 155, 30170 Mestre, Venezia VE

Saturday 02 December
14:30 - 16:00


This is not a contest, but we use Hackerrank contests to test if your algorithm is working. Please, signup for the Hackerrank contest.

Attendees: 8

This session will be hosted by DevFest Venezia, organized by local community GDG Venice.

La sessione di Coding Gym si svolgerà nel contesto di DevFest Venezia, organizzato dalla community GDG Venezia, che si occupa della logistica e della registrazione.

DevFests are community-led developer events hosted by Google Developer Groups around the globe. These are events with talks, workshops and networking moments dedicated to professional developers and designers, entrepreneurs, students or simple enthusiasts. It is an opportunity to share skills and passions within the universe of Google technologies (and not only).

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