The Most Frequent

You are given an array of N integers separated by spaces, all in one line. Display the element which occurs most frequently. If multiple elements satisfy this criteria, display the numerically smallest one. Input Format The first line contains the number of integers \(N\). The second line contains space separated integers \(xi\) for which you need to find the most frequent one. Constraints \(10 \leq N \leq 1'000'000 \) \(0 \leq xi \leq 100'000 \) Output Format One line containing the result. [Read More]

The Product Name

Solutions Basically, each character \(out_i\) of the output string \(out\) occurs the least number of times at index \(i\) among all the input strings. We can count the occurrences of each letter of the alphabet (26) for each position of the input strings. Since all the strings have \(5\) characters, we have \(5\) frequency tables. Thus, we use constant additional storage - for instance, an array containing 5 arrays of 26 integers. [Read More]